
" Newson HOUNKPATIN, better known as Shawn, is a talented photographer and artist from Benin. With a passion for art and creativity, he has developed an expertise in design through his years of training at the prestigious Africa Design School. While proud of his expertise in the field, Shawn feels he still has much to learn and improve upon.

Shawn is a multidisciplinary designer who uses photography and video to tell unique and inspiring stories. He understands that images can have a profound impact on people and focuses on producing work that captivates and inspires his audience.

He feels fortunate to be able to share his passion for art with the world and hopes to inspire the next generation of creators through his work. He is determined to contribute to the development of the photography and art industry in Africa, while remaining humble and open-minded in his approach to each project."

On a trip to Natitingou, a town in northern Benin, I met this man named Thomas on a mountain. He is a passionate gardener.

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