
Amina Kadous (1991-) is a visual artist based in Cairo, Egypt. She received her Bachelor in Fine Arts from Tufts University and The School of the Museum of Fine arts in Boston. Her work tackles concepts of memory and identity.Her work has been exhibited internationally and around Cairo.  She exhibited as part of the Photography Biennale of the contemporary Arab world at the Cite Des Arts in Paris in 2019. She participated at the 12th edition of the Bamako Biennale of Photography and being awarded the Centre Soleil d’Afrique Prize for her project, “A crack in the Memory of My Memory”. This prize is awarded to an outstanding female artist from Africa whose work shows signs of  promise and development. Her work was also exhibited at the The AfriKa Museum and Tropen museum in the Netherlands part of the World Press group exhibition,“ Connecting views: Talents from the APJD”. She was awarded a grant from Magnum Foundation and Prince Claus foundation and was one of the top ten finalists for the Everyday projects grant for her current long-term series “ White Gold”. Recently she was awarded the Contemporary African photography Prize 2022 and  showed the first chapter of her series part of the group exhibition, “If a tree falls in a forest” in Arles photography Festival, France in 2022 for which she was awarded the Prix De La Photo Madame Figaro at Arles photography festival in 2022, awarded for an emerging female photographer. 

At a coffee shop in Darb El Ahmar
neighborhood, Old Cairo, 2019

Darb El Ahmar, Old Cairo neighborhood.,2018



Elmax  - Alexandria, Egypt 

This part of Alexandria will become a port by the government and the people living there will be moved out to different locations by the end of this year.

 El sayed Aisha, Cairo - Egypt.  

The photo is for a family gathering on the rooftop having a lunch together and this tradition used to be in all Egyptian families from different classes but nowadays it's a fading tradition because everyone is busy with his own live but we still can see this kind of habits in the lower middle class people.  

El Raml station area, Alexandria - Egypt                                                 

Two fishermen on a small fishing boat with the cityscape behind them.

Mohamed Anwar is an Egyptian visual storyteller. He was born in Mansoura in 1992. After his graduation from faculty of engineering, he left engineering behind him to pursue his passion for visual arts.
In 2017 he started photography, since then it became his way of expressing himself and sharing his thoughts, fears and dreams. He thinks that photos can last and preserve our human experience.
His work is currently focused on how the cities can affect people’s behaviors in every aspect of their daily life from the way they talk to the way they walk. He’s recently graduated from Danish school for media and photojournalism (DMJX) program in Cairo sponsored by DEDI.
His work exhibited and screened in Cité des arts Paris, Goethe institute in Alexandria, In-short film festival in Lagos, Goethe institute in Cairo, Bibliotheca Alexandria, Cairo photo week, Cairographie exhibitions, Faculty of fine arts in Cairo.



Heisa Island , Nubia ,Aswan , Egypt

Ruwan Hamdy (b. 1995) is an Egyptian architect and interdisciplinary artist based in Alexandria. Hamdy works primarily in photography and mixed media and is interested in the intersection of architecture, art and design. Hamdy’s architectural background influenced her understanding of tangible and intangible environments and they both affect people.

Her work tends to question the unwritten rules that shape our perceptions and  inform our behavior in the spaces we navigate. She seeks experimental approaches that encourage interactive experiences such as Augmented Reality, public art, temporary installations, mixed media and audio-visual work, and draws inspiration from the social and political climate, as well as her own personal experiences. 

Hamdy participated in programs and exhibitions that merge art and architecture. She was recently featured as “Ones to Watch” in the No! Wahala Magazine and worked on a collaboration With AL Athar Lina Initiative producing an augmented reality mural on intangible cultural heritage which was placed in Al-Khalifa district in Cairo. Her photographic work has been exhibited at the Egyptian Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, the Tahrir Cultural Center at the American University in Cairo and more.

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